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Rosana De Rosa
18 de fev. de 20201 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
Do you notice the signs that life offers you? Observing the signs is very rich, as they are tips, advice, possibilities that we can grow...
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Rosana De Rosa
14 de jan. de 20201 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
Do you allow yourself to cry? If you allow yourself to cry and are open to being embraced, and let others listen to you and take care of...
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Rosana De Rosa
5 de jan. de 20201 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
We are prisoners if driven by desire and set free if guided by the heart. When we're too attached to desire, we are trapped in what we...
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Rosana De Rosa
3 de jan. de 20201 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
Would you like to share the pain of grief with someone? When you decide to share you can hear yourself, you will observe that what comes...
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Rosana De Rosa
1 de jan. de 20201 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
Every right choice, will always depend on countless attempts. When we strive for perfection in any aspect of our lives, we need to...
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Rosana De Rosa
30 de dez. de 20191 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
Before learning on how to handle your feelings, you need to face them. When we face our feelings, we get in touch with an inner reality...
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Rosana De Rosa
28 de dez. de 20191 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
To accept yourself, acknowledge your Vulnerability. We have a hard time accepting ourselves if we do not perceive our vulnerability. This...
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Rosana De Rosa
30 de nov. de 20191 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
To know yourself, you need to know your feelings. When we know our feelings, we can perceive what we need to improve to make our lives...
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Rosana De Rosa
25 de nov. de 20191 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
When pain knocks on our door let your tears soothe it. We often avoid crying, thinking that we should be strong; and we associate crying...
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Rosana De Rosa
20 de nov. de 20191 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
Allow the world to cry with you and for you. When we tell our life's story and share what we have been through, we allow someone else to...
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Rosana De Rosa
5 de nov. de 20191 min de leitura
Contact with your Feelings
Allow your emotions to Surface. When you allow yourself to see what you really are inside, you will discover that nothing is all good or...
12 visualizações0 comentário

Rosana De Rosa
8 de set. de 20191 min de leitura
Yellow Ribbon
The acceptance of death is the permission to Live. To accept death is to accept the cycle of life because even if we resist, rebel or are...
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Rosana De Rosa
5 de set. de 20191 min de leitura
Yellow Ribbon
All the roads set us free when we choose to Love. When we choose love as an expression, as a path, as an attitude, everything flows and...
7 visualizações0 comentário

Rosana De Rosa
2 de set. de 20191 min de leitura
Yellow Ribbon
The shadows are there, only until we see the light. The shadow is what we still don't know about ourselves. It is all that we deny, what...
10 visualizações0 comentário
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